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Intervención de algunas reproducciones a escala 1:1 de los frescos de Miguel Angel Buonarroti presentes en la Capilla Sixtina. Sobre estas, algunas “pantallas pictóricas" elaboradas con capas de óleo expandidas sobre láminas de acrílico transparente cubren  las imágenes dejando ciertas secciones parcialmente visibles, alterando la percepción de las formas subyacentes. Estas ‘sub-formas’ producidas aluden a partes internas de cuerpos ficticios que responden a diversas teorías relacionadas con la fascinación del autor por la disección de cadáveres, los estudios anatómicos ocultos en sus pinturas, y su llamada manera escultórica de pintar (en este caso, desarrollada como un tipo de "talla bidimensional").



This project consists of the intervention of printed pictures of Michelangelo Buonarroti’s paintings located in the Sistine Chapel in Vatican City, through the modification of oil layers displayed on transparent Plexiglass sheets, which act as ‘editing screens’ based on some Photoshop editing logics.


I cover the whole Plexiglass' surfaces with paint and then I take out some parts of these oil layers in order to reveal different organic shapes suggested by the background figures. This action configures a kind of two-dimensional carving process inspired by the author's marble sculptural practice, his fascination with human anatomy, the alleged organs' systems hidden in his works, and the relationship of these virtual and fictional internal morphologies with current and future genetic manipulation.

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